His Career
One Man Shows
Harry has had over 40 exclusive shows including:
The Art Institute of Chicago
John Hellery Gallery
Gilman Galleries
Feingarten Galleries
Adele Bednarz Gallery
University of Judaism
Arwin Galleries
Studio Gallery
Cliff Dwellers
Palmer House Galleries
Steven Gross Galleries
Cowie Gallery
Galeria Escondida
Verbe Gallery
Women’s Aid Society
Artestudio, and many others….
Group Shows
Harry’s work has shown in over 300 Invitational and Juried National and International shows including:
The Art Institute of Chicago
Whitney Museum of American Art
Carnegie International
Venice Biennale
Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts
Corcoran Gallery of Art
Renaissance Society
Palace of Legion of Honor
Los Angeles County
New York World’s Fair
Museum of Cincinnati
Denver Art Museum
Sarasota Art Association
St. Louis Art Museum
Museum of Modern Art
Downtown Gallery, NY and many others….
Harry is the recipient of over 40 prizes and awards in local, national, and international exhibitions. He has received nine awards from the Museum of the Art Institute of Chicago.
Harry is represented in over 900 private collections throughout the world.
His work is in the collections of:
Whitney Museum of American Art
The Art Institute of Chicago
Downtown Gallery
University of Notre Dame
and many others.
His work is also included in many corporate collections.
Harry Mintz was Professor Emeritus for the Art Institute of Chicago where he taught Advanced Painting for 20 years.
He also was Visiting Professor of Painting at the Washington University, St. Louis.
Harry taught art and painting starting at the age of 25 and continued teaching for 65 years. He dedicated his life to art and art education.
Harry was included in these Publications:
Who’s Who in America
Who’s Who in American Art
Who’s Who in the World
International Dictionary of Who’s Who
National Society of Literature and the Arts
Role and impact, the Chicago Society of Artists
The Federal Art Project in Illinois: 1935-1943
Harry’s career, life and work spans a century. He was born in Ostroweic, Poland at the turn of the century and painted until his death in 2002 in Chicago, Illinois.

Seek the subject through the use of color
“Every great painting is a product of the inner depths of the artist, expressed in visual form on the canvas, The subject matter, a tree, a portrait, a house, or a completely non-objective canvas is not so important as whether the artist succeeds in conveying his own feelings about it. The subject matter, for me, only serves me as a starting point. When I first approach a canvas, I often have no previously conceived idea of what the finished canvas might be. I neither make preliminary sketches, nor do I draw an outline; immediately, I begin to seek the subject through the use of color. As I work, new forms present themselves -- hitherto unseen possibilities appear. Thus, what happens on the canvas during the process of painting is a continual surprise as well as a continual challenge to me. While the canvas is in process, there is a never-ending search for new color relationships and new techniques. Thus, each canvas yields to the artist a different experience. I do not, however, live in a hermetically sealed vacuum and attempt to create merely pleasing form from the depths of my unconscious. While I have the strongest connection with reality, I do not copy nature verbatim, but interpret it in the light of my own feelings about it."